The B2B Club – Connecting SME’s Nationwide

marketing and advertising

Welcome to The B2B Club Website

The B2B Club is a free to join online club for small and medium sized businesses. The Club is operated by Web-Clubs and joins our portfolio of online Consumer Clubs. As a small business ourselves, we know the value of being able to share tips and information, to develop relationships with other businesses and to have somewhere to look for information.

Our expertise lies in marketing, so, not surprisingly, on The B2B Club website, we have provided a wealth of information to help you market your business. But, we don’t want to dominate the content. We would love you to share your expertise with our members by sending us posts which are informative, interesting and informative. Providing they meet this criteria, are not too commercial and are less than 1500 words, they will be posted free. By linking to your website, they could generate you business!

You can also reach B2B Club members through our email marketing service, click on this link for more details.

Every month, B2B Club members receive our newsletter you can get valuable marketing tips in your inbox, you can join the B2B Club by clicking on this link

For more Marketing Tips and Advice consult the Knowledge Library on the Web-Clubs Website

MostBet – qumar dünyasında ən böyük təcrübə! Heyran edici bahis oyunları, canlı idman müsabiqələri və daha çox – hamısı tətbiqdə! Чтобы скачать приложение, перейдите по этой ссылке: Mostbet az Indi MostBet tətbiqini yükləyin və qalib gələn səfərə başlayın! Daha çox qazanmaq və əyləncəli bir səfər təmin etmək üçün hər şey hazırdır!

7 Tips to Write Great Social Media Content

Guest Contributor Adela Belin is the Head of Digital Marketing at Writers Per Hour. She creates content surrounding marketing with a focus on social media and digital marketing. You can be all sorts of fun and casual on social media but that has got nothing to do with using correct grammar, spelling and punctuation. Using …

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Seasons Greetings

Christmas Card

All of us here at Web-Clubs would like to wish you all a Great Christmas and a Happy New Year It seems unlikely that 2018 will be remembered as a great year for business. Government infighting, a nation divided over Brexit and uncertainty over relationships with our biggest trading partners …

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Improving Marketing Campaign Conversion

Improving Conversion

Conversion is the ultimate goal of a marketing campaign. For an online shop, a successful conversion is the closing of an order, for an advertising campaign, it's more likely to be collecting prospect details for following up. Improving conversion is all about attention to detail. When I started in marketing, …

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Better Targeting for a Better Result


The more relevant you make your offer to a prospective customer, the more chance you have of gaining their business. Better Targeting is key, so what can you do without breaking the bank. The Basics There are complementing areas to consider, interests, groups and personalisation. Interests Imagine you are trying …

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What Do You Want To Do – Setting Priorities

Setting Priorities

Setting Priorities – It seems a simple enough question to answer; Grow and/or Expand Survive Sell Up and/or Retire Save Costs Increase Prices … As with most things, ideas are easier than implementation. By setting priorities you avoid trying to manage too many aims at once, here are some tips …

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Understanding Public Relations or PR

Public Relations

Public Relations or as it is most commonly known, PR, is probably the most misunderstood marketing function, it’s not something just for large companies, good PR can help businesses of any size. PR in a Nutshell PR is a branch of Marketing that is responsible for nurturing a company’s image. …

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Are you listening carefully?

Listening Skills

Sometimes it’s useful to be able to screen out unwanted noise, but if it’s an existing or prospective customer talking, then you need good listening skills. Some people are naturally gifted at summarising points succinctly, being interesting and maintaining attention, most though, in my experience are not, so as the …

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Should You Make That Investment

Investment Decisions

Making investment decisions is one of the hardest tasks in business. As any fan of Dragons Den on television will know, sales forecasts, product costs and investments already made are all key criteria, the Dragons query before making an investment. What’s this to do with Marketing Very much so, two …

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Trade-Marks – A Quick Guide

Trade Marks

Trade-marks uniquely connect a product or service to a business, they can comprise of words, logos, colours and even sounds. If you don’t register them, you have no legal protection. A single applications costs £170 (September 2018). Conditions In the UK, trade-marks are registered with the governments Intellectual Property Office (IPO), …

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Unique Selling Point – Do you have one?

Unique Selling Point

“Never Knowingly Undersold” most of us are familiar with John Lewis’s claim, as well as a marketing statement it is also a Unique Selling Point or USP. Unique Selling Point or Proposition (USP) It’s all about what makes you different from your competitors. Many of us are offering similar or identical …

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Presentation Skills

presentation skills

Most of us at sometime in our career will need to stand in front of an audience. Whilst this comes naturally for some, it fills others with dread. Here are some presentation skills to consider when it’s your turn to be on stage. With preparation and practice and by following …

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Industry-Leading Recruitment Tactics For Your Business

recruitment tactics

Guest contributor Alistair Brown of BrightHR  gives advice on recruiting in the digital age Industry-Leading Recruitment Tactics For Your Business Recruitment has changed—the digital revolution has seen to that. Awkward old tactics are out of the window and new industry trends have emerged. For the early adopters, the rewards are a …

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Are You a Specialist or a Generalist?


You have probably heard of the expression, “Jack of all Trades, Master of None.” It begs the question, when marketing your business, should you claim to do everything, or be a specialist. There are pros and cons for both, your industry also is factor, so here are some points to …

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When Things Go Wrong – Incident Handling

Incident Handling

It is said that it take years to build a good reputation and only seconds to lose it, certainly when things go wrong, your reputation suffers, having an effective incident handling system goes a long way to alleviating the risk and avoiding an escalation to a complaint. Things do go …

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